
Joga mi gre na jetra

Ne verjamete? Pa je čisto res! Od nekdaj sem imela rada življenje. Tako rada, da sem ga zajemala s polno žlico, vsaj mislila sem, da ga. Ljubezen do življenja in hrepenenje po okušanju vsega, kar mi je življenje prineslo na pot, sta me pripeljala v stanje, kjer nisem hotela zamuditi ničesar. In večinoma tudi nisem.…


We Were At Slovenian HR Congress 2020

We presented at Slovenian HR Congress (Slovenski Kadrovski Kongres 2020) in Portoroz, Slovenia on September 4th. Among others we were practicing office yoga and learning about breathing techniques to help us relax and gain focus. We shared techniques that participants were instantly able to implememt into their daily routine. Link:—4.-september  

Yoga and stress

Yoga Also Helps Design Minds And Unlock Inner Potential

Stress is our individual response to an external situations. Our body reacts to situations that we interpret as stressful with physical and psychological responses, including with the change of our behavior. Physiology of our body is trying to adapt the dynamic environments we live in but if this is happening over a longer period, our organism cannot cope…